
Una storia italiana

“EBREI. UNA STORIA ITALIANA. I PRIMI MILLE ANNI” (JEWS. AN ITALIAN STORY. THE FIRST THOUSAND YEARS). is the title of the inaugural exhibition of the Fondazione MEIS-Museo Nazionale dell’Ebraismo Italiano e della Shoah in Ferrara.

It is a narrative exhibition in which multimedia devices, designed and produced by Punto Rec Studios, complete and enrich the exhibition itinerary. From the first installation dedicated to the “Luoghi di Israele” (Places of Israel) to the dramatic “Distruzione del Tempio” (Destruction of the temple), from the “Antro della Scrittura” (the den of writing) to the installation “Dal cielo fisico a quello mentale” (From the physical to the mental sky) , to the “Viaggio di Beniamino da Tudela” (Journey of Benjamin of Tudela), the narrative compositions, in which the images are enhanced by sound design, contribute, together with the films dedicated to the interventions of the various experts, to the understanding of the historical themes dealt with and the involvement of the visitor.